10 Things You Need to Know

10 Things You Need to Know If You Apply as a Virtual Assistant

Most people nowadays choose to be a Virtual Assistant rather than work in a physical office. With the current traffic situation here in the country, most save the trouble of having to go through long queues in the MRT, or the hassle of commuting with public utility vehicles as well as the transportation and food expenses.

But being a virtual assistant is not just about staying in the comfort of your home doing administrative tasks – there are certain things that you should practice to keep your contract with your client. Let’s talk about some of the things you need to know if you have plans of applying as a Virtual Assistant in the future.

1. Make sure that you have the required PC specs and internet connection speed
Most clients would require the PC specs to at least have 2 GB of RAM, Windows Vista or higher, a webcam, and a headset with microphone (preferably with noise cancellation feature). Internet speed should be at least 3 mbps or higher – this is because everything is done online – from communicating with the client to executing your tasks, you need to have a stable and fast internet connection.

2. Always be prepared with a backup computer and internet connection
We cannot avoid that during bad weather conditions, power outage may occur. That is why, if you are planning to be a Virtual Assistant, it is vital that you have a backup plan in case a power outage occurs. In addition to this, you should also be prepared with a backup internet plan like Wi-Fi sticks or by tethering your PC/laptop to a hotspot with optimized internet connection. If, at all costs, these backup plans fail, the last option would be to look for 24/7 internet cafés in the area that have good internet connection.

3. Be flexible with the schedule
Most clients would be Americans and Canadians – make sure that you are healthy enough to work during their preferred schedule. Rest Days are not always Saturdays and Sundays. Depending on the client’s needs, your rest days might fall on weekdays. As a Virtual Assistant, we need to adjust to their required schedule for work because their time zone is different from ours.

4. Make sure that there are no background noises
Crowing roosters and barking dogs are known to be peeves during the night. It is vital that you find a quiet place where you can talk to your client without any background noise.

5. Communicate with your client constantly
Constant communication with your client is the key to being a successful Virtual Assistant. We, Filipinos, tend to be shy to ask around and that should not be the proper attitude to practice. If there are things that you do not understand, it is better to ask your client about it so you can be assisted. Do not decide on things without your client’s approval to avoid any problem that you might encounter.

6. Report to work on time
Before your start date, you will be provided with your schedule so make sure to be online 10-15 minutes before your start time. This would give you some time to check for any software problems and fix them before your required time in. Also, you need to inform your client that you are ready to report for work so that he/she may know that you are already there. Online presence should be constantly exercised whenever you are reporting for work.

7. Follow your break schedule on time
Most clients would require a 9-hour shift with 1-hour lunch break. Make sure that as you follow your break schedule and go back from break on time. Always notify your clients whenever you are taking your break.

8.Notify your client if you cannot report for work
As a Virtual Assistant, absences are very rare. But, if you will not be able to report for work during your schedule, always notify your client so they can make the necessary adjustments. Present documentations as much as possible to validate your absence.

9.Dress appropriately
Sometimes, clients would do video calls with you and you might want to avoid sleeveless/strapless clothes. Looking presentable in front of the camera is highly advisable especially when you are talking to your client.

10. Prepare COB (Close of Business) Reports at the end of your shift
COB (Close of Business) or EOD (End of Day) Reports give your client a tracker of what you have accomplished for the day. This is very important in monitoring all of your activities for the specific day and this gives them the chance to determine your performance – if there are things that you need to work on, or if you are doing a really good job. COB Reports provide them an insight if there are additional tasks that should be assigned to you. Always make sure that you are sending out a detailed list of everything you have done during your shift.

Interested to earn VA Certification for Real Estate or Customer Service? Email info@hiresmartvas.com for more information.

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