How to Adjust to DST

How To Adjust To Daylight Savings Time

As a Virtual Assistant working for a foreign client, we have to keep in mind the change in time that happens every year, called Daylight Savings Time.

For some who may not know, DST is when the clocks are turned forward an hour, effectively moving an hour of daylight from the morning to the evening.

This year, DST started March 13, 2016 and it will end on November 6, 2016

Even though your brain knows that the time on the clock has changed again, your body clock might not. You may get cranky when you have to wait an hour extra before your lunch break or when it feels like you should have gone to work an hour ago.

Here are some tips in dealing with the time change:

  1. Start early.
    Give yourself more time to adjust before the work week begins. If it will help you, reset one of your clocks at the start of the weekend ideally Saturday morning (Philippine timezone). Try to follow your routine using that clock and when Monday comes, you should be on your way to feeling adjusted.
  1. Nap wisely
    Try to avoid taking long naps late in the day. If you get tired and feel the need to recharge, take short, energizing walk around your home office instead.In the event that you really to get some zzzs keep it to no more than 20 minutes.
  1. Eat healthy
    Time changes can sometimes give us the urge to indulge. You may feel hungry for meals earlier or later than before. It’s as if compensating for the one hour you have to adjust.Before we move the clock, try to eat light meals. Give yourself time to digest your meal before heading to bed. A heavy meal in your stomach will interrupt the quality of your sleep.
  1. Don’t result to intoxication
    Alcoholic beverage may be a quick fix but it actually interferes with normal sleep cycles so try to resist a nightcap just to fall asleep.
  1. Get the right light
    Science shows that the right combination of light and dark can help your body’s circadian rhythm to readjust so you can fall asleep on your new schedule and actually sleep more soundly.Following your adjusted clock, dim the lights during your bedtime, not earlier nor late. This will help your body adjust to the new schedule.

These suggestions should help you adjust more easily. If you have any other tips to add feel free to comment below!

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