Put Your Best Foot Forward - HSVE

Put Your Best Foot Forward When Interviewing for a Position

We all know that there are many small items that can make the difference between getting the prime position you want or not.


• Before sending your application, make sure that you have read all requirements and qualifications for the position.

• Practice the common interview questions about you and your experience.

• Initiate your research with their company history/background, services, and products.

• Start thinking about how you can add value to the company based on your experience.

• Make sure that your Internet connection is stable. We highly recommend a minimum of five (5) Mbps because it allows for fewer issues.

• Call a friend and make sure that your headset is working properly and your webcam view is perfectly angled.

• Dress appropriately and professionally.

• Maintain a clean/decluttered background and away from any possible disturbances. If you have noisy neighbors, barking dogs, or roosters, you may need to sound proof your working area.

• Log in at least 30 minutes before your scheduled time. Many times interviews go quicker than anticipated and being available shows you are ready for the interview and eager for an opportunity.

• Notify your interviewer at least 5 minutes before the scheduled interview that you are ready.


• Greet nicely and smile for success.

• Listen carefully when the speaker/interviewer is speaking and avoid interruptions. Always answer the question that they asked. Do not over elaborate or “hog” the conversation. We know you can be nervous, but talking too much can be a detriment.

• Show enthusiasm when answering each question.

• Ask necessary questions that are relevant and appropriate. Be genuinely interested in the interviewer and the position.

• Leave a positive impression by selling yourself as to how you can make a positive impact on their business.

• Appreciate their time by thanking them before and after the interview.



• Message the interviewer and tell them you are looking forward to their decision and thank them again for the opportunity.

• Stay on-line if you can to answer any follow-up questions or to address any concerns.

• Congratulations! By following these simple steps, you have potentially obtained the goal of a great client.

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