Tips on How to Become a Top Rated Virtual Assistant

12 New Year's Resolution

12 New Year’s Resolutions and How You Can Achieve Them

We are nearing the end of 2017’s first week and most of us have set our own list of New Year’s resolution. After a few hours, even days of indulging with retrospection and evaluating our life choices, we are committed to achieving this perfect opportunity to start anew. Crossing out items on our list of resolutions […]

12 New Year’s Resolutions and How You Can Achieve Them Read More »

Phone Tips and Tricks That Will Make You Memorable

Phone Tips and Tricks That Will Make You Memorable

Regardless of how you deal with your customers whether it’s face-to-face or via phone there’s always something to improve on with your customer service skills. No cutting edge product can top a good customer service. In marketing 101 we learned that a happy and satisfied customer is likely to return and tell their experience to

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