All in Day's Work of A VA

All in Day’s Work of A VA

Working from homeAll in a Day of a Virtual assistant can be quite a challenge since you are independently performing your tasks and there is no one to supervise your work to track your progress real time. Unlike working in an office, you don’t have any workforce team who you can interact with on the spot to assess the progress of a project or task. You solely rely on virtual interaction thru messengers, voice chat and electronic mail system and there are several disadvantages in this medium of communication.

Since every task of a Virtual Assistant often follow a strict time constraints. VAs must always be responsive on communicating with their client and be able to grasp instruction details effectively to be able to manage the workflow efficiently thru out the day.

Checking in the schedule of priorities, the task for the first couple hours is to check and respond to emails to ensure any update or urgent request listed down for time management.Updates often require another hour to accomplish because it may require the virtual assistant to check on other stuff such as inquiries, websites, or social media sites.

Following another couple of hours to check voice mails and or make a phone call. As the list goes on , it is important to create a log of each task to avoid getting behind the schedule.

Starting the day right, you can now effectively manage your tasks and be a productive rock star VA. No shadow of doubt it will impress your client/s and you will have a long term career that every VA wants.

Interested to earn VA Certification for Real Estate or Customer Service? Email for more information.

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