How to Gain Control of your Free Time

Favorite Ted Talks

Who has not heard of Ted Talks? Ted Talk is a free video podcast where they invite influential speakers on education, business, science and technology to share their thoughts and knowledge about their expertise and experience. These people are already successful in their field and have undergone difficulties while treading the road to success. It certainly is worth it for us to lend our ears and possibly learn from their mistakes.

Listening to the talks is very educational while being entertaining and you can listen to the podcast while doing your routine tasks or during your break. The following are 5 best picks of Ted Talk enough to fill your entire workweek with some inspiring piece to listen to.

  1. How to Get Better at the Things You Care About

How to Get Better at the Things You Care About

When we feel that we already know our tasks by heart, we then have this tendency to stop learning. We work hard and yet, are we improving? The video talks about how we can balance being in two zones – the learning and the performance zone. It talks about how we work to reach mastery of a task or a goal then reflect on the things you didn’t do well with the intention of going back to the learning zone to learn it again. In this way, though we appreciate that we’ve learn how to handle our tasks as is expected of us, we don’t stop improving because there is always room for improvement. That’s how we get better at things.

  1. The Power of Believing that you Can Improve

The Power of Believing that you Can Improve

Failure is not permanent. It is simply nature’s way of telling us that we need to work harder and we will get to where we are going. It also teaches us our weakness for us to know where we need to work more on. I love that they emphasize more on appreciating the process rather than the end goal.

  1. The Puzzle of Motivation

The Puzzle of Motivation

The traditional rewards system don’t work in the 21st century. This Ted talk is all about how to motivate employees the right way – something called ROWE (Results Only Work Environment).  Studies has proven that employees who are doing well at work are those who have the desire to do things because they matter, because they like it, they find it interesting or the task was part of something important (at least to them).

  1. How to Gain Control of your Free Time

How to Gain Control of your Free Time

This ted talk is about setting priorities and how to manage your time. It’s an interesting read to those who are always busy and who felt they didn’t have time for the things that matters to them. When we focus on what matters, we can build the lives we want in the time we’ve got.

  1. The Dream We Haven’t Dared to Dream

The Dream We Haven't Dared to Dream

A beautiful piece about having a work-life balance. To be human and kind at the same time. This is the dream that the world has taken for granted or has not dared to dream yet.

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