6 Habits of Successful People

6 Habits of Successful People

Ever wonder about the difference between super successful and the average Joe? It all boils down to habits. Many will imagine the answer to be a series of complex, fortunate coincidences worthy of a best-selling memoir. But for actual people who have been where most can only hope to be, the answer can be as simple as having the right habit.

Here are 6 Habits of Successful People:

1. Read, read, read. Is it any coincidence that most of today’s most successful individuals are also well-read? The likes of Bill Gates, J. K Rowling, Albert Einstein, and Sheryl Sandberg, to name a few, swear by reading books as a great way to not only keep their mind going, but also to learn how to navigate the world better.

2. Don’t hit snooze. What do Robert Iger, Marissa Mayer, and Richard Branson have in common? They don’t stay in bed until noon. You miss a lot of opportunities when you sleep more than you should, so get a ruthless alarm clock and be there before anyone else once success comes a-knocking.

3. Free your mind. Your own brain can be your worst enemy, especially once the self-critic starts talking louder than normal. Being too critical of your own activities can derail both your intended results and your motivation to go on. You can follow Oprah and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s example and start meditating to calm your mind and help you cope with everything that’s happening around you.

4. Take up a hobby. Anna Wintour plays tennis. Meryl Streep knits. George W. Bush paints. Warren Buffet plays the ukulele. Letting yourself burn from overwork and exhaustion could be counterproductive after all. Engaging in a hobby you actually love will revitalize your soul when things get tough, getting you ready for that next big challenge.

5. Don’t be too into Facebook. Social media may be awesome, but it can also keep you prone to distractions. Learn to focus and keep social networking (and non-work- related emailing) to a minimum. Tim Ferris, author of “The 4-Hour Work Week,” suggests checking emails just twice in a day.

6. Don’t wait for inspiration. Success never comes to you on a silver platter. Sometimes, you simply must rough it up. Inspiration can be very elusive. Often, you must force yourself to get something done. Do the work even if you aren’t in the mood. If classic writers like E.B White waited for ideal conditions, the world would probably never get to know “Charlotte’s Web.”

Most people think success is a lofty goal. Yet successful people would tell you it starts with the right state of mind or in this case, the right habit. What habit are you going to incorporate into your life today? Tell us about your habits and goals on our Facebook Page.

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