how to focus your mind

How to Focus your Mind

How to focus your mind while working at home is probably one of the biggest challenges of this profession. I can name many reasons why this job is amazing but it also doesn’t come without any drawbacks. So how do we transition our mind from home mode to work mode?

Fortunately, there are effective ways to be productive and focused.

Always dress to work. Yes, there may not be any dress code but the objective here is to help transition your mind from home to work mode. According to Dr. Karen Pine, a fashion psychologist at University of Hertfordshire,

“A lot of clothing has symbolic meaning for us, whether it’s ‘professional work attire’ or ‘relaxing weekend wear’, so when we put it on we prime the brain to behave in ways consistent with that meaning.”

You don’t have to overdo it but feel free to do so if it makes you feel good. Take a shower, put on your favorite perfume, wear your positive attitude because you are blessed to have the best job in the world!

Respect your Working hours.  Being at home puts you right in the middle of many temptations. Browsing through non-work related sites, taking a “short” nap on the bed while the phones are not too busy, playing with the cat or eating at your workstation.

Don’t get me wrong, there are times when we eat in our desks too but it is the exception and not the rule.  Especially, if you feel it is keeping you from concentrating on your task, it is best to take your snack when it’s break time.

There is always time for everything. Put all your attention at work when it is time to work and take work off your mind when it’s family time. This way, you train your brain to focus on one important task at a time.

Take your breaks. We get it. You have an important task to finish so you are skipping your lunch or you decided to clock in for work on your rest days. That is very admirable but rarely effective. A lot of successful people cannot reiterate enough on the importance of work-life balance. When you overwork, it will quickly lead to burnout sooner or later. Therefore, take your rest days, go to the kitchen for lunch or take brief stretches every hour or so. In the long run, it will make you even more productive and allow you to focus your mind when you need it.

Get enough sleep. Sleep provides your mind and body the much-needed power boost and gives you a fresh start of the day regardless of what time your shift starts. A well-rested mind enhances your cognitive abilities and helps you focus and think more creatively.

Keep your surroundings tidy. You know that feeling when you sit in your desk and there are neither pens nor papers lying around the and the room smells of lavender scent? It immediately puts you in a happy mood especially if you have showered and dressed up for work. The opposite happens when your workstation is full of clutter.

Keep a list. For example, Liz has a board on the wall next to my desk where she writes pending tasks as they come in and keeps a separate routine tasks list. When she is finished, she ticks the items off. Mission accomplished!

The pending tasks list helps her to immediately know which ones she needs to focus on first as well as the routine tasks list helps to make sure all the everyday tasks are done before she logs off. No missed deadlines. Happy client.

Different strategy works for different people. In addition to what has been shared above, you might discover other ways to help you focus at work. Things like adorning your workspace with your favorite photos and listening to a relaxing music may help depending on your client’s requirements. The key here is to create a working environment that works for your individual needs.

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