How to Relieve Stress from Work

How to Relieve Stress from Work

There are many resources online that teach us how to relieve stress from work but do we really need it when we are just working from home? Everyone thinks it is an easy job to work in the comforts of your own abode – until they try it.

A recent report released by Medical Press tells about a study done by the United Nations International Labor Organization in 15 countries. Contrary to what people think, working remotely brought more stress than working in an office. For example, 42% of employees who work from home or those working from multiple locations experience insomnia more than 29% of their counterparts who are working on their employer’s premises. There is also evidence that some people need face-to-face contact with colleagues so clearly, not everyone is cut out for a demanding work from home job.

While there are many unhealthy ways to deal with stress, our goal here is to teach you how to bust stress in a healthy and positive way to gain rewarding and long-lasting results

Plan something on your rest days. Always set the boundary between work and home. Sometimes, it is tempting to overwork as we don’t have to commute (which is indeed one of the beauties of working from home) but this could lead to burn-out. Always take your rest days and GO OUT! Office people like to spend some time home as they are out the majority of the week but because you are home pretty every work day, your rest day is a time for you to go out and experience the outside world. Depending on where you are located, here are some great ideas on some outdoor activities that you can do.

See your friends and family. People in the office usually bond with their colleagues, get to chat with them face-to-face on a daily basis and go on outings every now and then – virtual workers can’t. Because we work in an environment where there is little human interaction except through the computer, it is important that we see the people close to us as much as we can. If you are living alone, this can be tough especially if your family and friends are living far from you are but nothing can substitute the connection we have with them. They are a great channel to share your feelings and thoughts to especially if you are having a tough week. Unless you really don’t have any choice at all, go out and see them rather than skyping or calling. You need a personal touch, not another virtual interaction.

Have a hobby. Hobbies can give us an outlet and can offer a distraction from job stress. They don’t necessarily have to be expensive. There are hobbies you can do at home if you are a homebody and lots of hobbies you can do outdoors. Some hobbies can even turn into a plus in your resume the next time you are applying for a job. The options are limitless. Here are some great hobbies you can pick.

Working out. This said you don’t have to spend tons of money for a gym membership. There are many workouts you can do at home using your own body weight and it is just as effective as the weights you use in the gym – possibly better. The idea is you need to get moving to exercise not just your body but also your mind. Studies have shown that it is a very effective remedy for reducing fatigue and enhancing overall cognitive function. Here is a massive list of 50 bodyweight exercises you can do anywhere.

Meditation. This is a technique used to relieve stress and does not require so much of time and location-independent as well. Just spending a few minutes can already help you achieve calmness and inner peace. Good news is, anyone can practice meditation because it’s simple and inexpensive. A very helpful article in meditation techniques can be found here.

How do you deal with stress yourself? Join us in our interactive Facebook community and let us know what you think.

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