Interview Tips for Aspiring Virtual Assistants

Interview Tips for Aspiring Virtual Assistants

To help aspiring virtual assistants get the job, we are going to share some crucial interview tips. Just as we care who we work for, employers also carefully evaluate who they are going to work with. It’s inevitable that they will be sharing some confidential information with you about their business; hence, they have to be cautious of whom they hire especially if that person is going to work remotely. So what are the things you need to keep in mind when you are being interviewed by potential clients?

  1. You need to read up about the company before the appointment. Spend a few minutes of your time to go to the company’s website and know about the following:
    • The owner’s bio – sometimes, this may not be published in their company or organization’s website, however, if you know the full name of the person who is going to interview you, you can search them in google. If you are lucky, they might be on LinkedIn or they might have a profile that is public somewhere in the net. This will give you an idea of who you will be talking to and what kind of business they deal with.
    • Products and services – Have some knowledge about what products and services they offer. This will also help you gauge yourself whether this is something you are comfortable working with in the long run.
  1. Understand the position you are applying for. Some candidates just applied for any position and they didn’t even bother to know what the main responsibilities are. What this shows to the client is a lack of interest and commitment. Employers wouldn’t hire someone who is only in it for the money because that means, they can easily leave when they get a better offer. They are looking for someone who is also interested in what the job entails as they want a long-term relationship with their potential staff. The ideal applicant is genuinely interested in the type of work and who knows the job requirements by heart.
  1. Prepare & rehearse a list of common questions so you will not be tongue tied during the interview. It will give you enough confidence during the interview knowing you are fully equipped with some answers.
  1. When you make your first request for a Skype request, explain who you are and why you are asking for the connection. It can be something like – “Anne, I would like to add you as a connection for my interview at 1 pm (use their time zone, not yours) on the 18th.” This is much better than just allowing the default skype connection request. It shows your ability to go the second mile.
  1. Log in to your computer 30 minutes before the actual interview. This should give some leeway for any unexpected delays like computer software updates, internet connection issues etc. This will also give you time to test skype and make sure the video and audio are working fine.
  1. 5 Minutes before your interview, send a message stating that you are ready for the interview whenever they are ready. If you send it much earlier than that, it can come across too eager.
  1. Dress up appropriately. You don’t have to dress to overkill but at least wear something pleasant on video. Do not wear anything without sleeves on and wear your best smile. The better you present yourself during the interview, the more last impression your potential client will have.
  1. Use a proper headset rather than just an earphone. A good headset is a must investment for all VAs just as much as a good computer is. Using a headset during an interview shows you are committed because you have invested on the basics.
  1. Sit up straight. The client only has a limited view when it comes to evaluating you so make sure you give them a nice impression by not slouching.
  1. Speaking of first impressions, make sure you have a clean background. Clean up your place so there are no clutters and if possible try to position your table that it only shows a white background.
  1. Clients want to know that you can work uninterrupted so avoid being in a place where there is audible background noise like the sound of the television, kids crying, dogs barking. This is very critical especially if you will be handling phone calls.
  1. Take notes during the interview. Not only does this show you are paying attention but it also helps to record what transpired during the interview. You are then able to review it after the interview and carefully consider if the job is something you’d want or not.
  1. Avoid using smileys inappropriately when messaging the client for the first time on skype. Remember that they are going to evaluate you for your professionalism as well. It is only acceptable when you are already comfortable with the client and you know them well enough.
  1. Always thank them for their time before the end of the skype call. They have chosen you out of all the candidates who have submitted their resume and have given you a bit of their precious time. Regardless of how the interview went, always show gratitude.

We hope you find the tips very helpful. We write up articles regularly to help virtual assistants develop their career in the virtual world. Don’t forget to follow our blog at You can also message us on Facebook if you have any related questions that we might be able to help you on.

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