
Make Yourself Stand Out

The demand for Virtual Assistants is increasing rapidly compared to 5 years ago. According to a popular outsourcing company, there are more than 3 million job postings per year earning more than $1 billion. With the increase of job opportunities each year, there’s also an increase of population who want to take advantage of work from home virtual assistant opportunities. That’s millions and millions of competitors around the world.

“Be the one to stand out in the crowd” as quoted from Joel Osteen. So how do you become noticeable amidst the millions of virtual assistants who have the same skills as you do?

1. Have an impressive resume
A Resume is your face value to apply to a job position. You need to make sure that it is something attractive. Attractive not in a sense that it ismells like a stationary you trade with your elementary friends, fancy fonts and in rainbow colored-paper. What I mean is, professionally written for the HR staff to take your application seriously.

2. Create a head-turning online profile
A Virtual Assistant’s office ground is online. So the first step to finding a place in the Virtual Assistant world is to get noticed. This is similar to having any other business. You should create a great website or social media page to attract clients and recruiters. Make sure that your skills are updated; contact information is updated, previous employers/clients, etc. As Facebook is for a more personal use, LinkedIn is more business-like. Consider paying attention to your LinkedIn account or if you haven’t created a LinkedIn account yet, this is the best time to create one.

3. Improve or upgrade your skills
Regardless of the kind of business, acquiring a skill is an activity you need to dedicate your time. This should not stop you from learning something new. Stay ahead of your competition by keeping yourself in the loop with the latest trends in the industry you want to work in. Equipping yourself with new skills will make you look like 10 feet tall in a pool of Virtual Assistants.

4. Sell your value
Consider the value you can bring to the table of the client. Tailor fit what you can do for the team with the need of the business. Your level of expertise is nobody else’s but yours so you really need to be clear on what you know how to do and how it can help the client.

5. Show your values
Values, your personal beliefs, will make or break you. Show your clients what is important to you and how that would translate to their business and their goals. Your good values are quick steps to a solid relationship with any potential client.

We hope that you found this helpful. At we are always looking for top candidates who are looking for a career and not just another client. To apply for a position, follow us in facebook and be updated everytime we post a vacancy.

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