Overcoming Fear

Looking to make a change in your life and not sure where to begin? Here are some resources that we have found that might just give you what you need to follow your dreams and passions.

Finding Your Purpose to Overcome Fear

This 12 minute video will help you find the Purpose for Your Life and help you get motivated:

Put the Overcoming Fear Image wand then link the image to the actual video which is below

Overcoming Fear & Anxiety in 30 Seconds

Stefan James of ProjectLifeMastery.com talks about emotional states and how to interrupt learned patterns to break through emotional responses and how to control your emotions so that they don’t control you.

This motivational video is short and sweet and to the point. Endless-Motivation.com shares about setting reasonable expectations about failure and how to focus on your success.

We hope you enjoyed these short motivational videos as much as we enjoyed putting them together for you. Now go out and do your best work!

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