Photo-editing Apps For Virtual Assistants

Photo-editing Apps For Virtual Assistants

Finding the right Photo-Editing app for your work is easy. Whether you are a graphics creator, web designer, freelance logo developer or whatever matches your art-creating job, there is always a great software you use today to help you enhance your work that goes well your stunning ideas in every project you make.

Here are our top 4 picks for the best and reliable design and photo-editing software.


Canva is an online-based image-editing software that features a basic system method and a user-friendly interface that works handy for those who needs a quick fix and fast image creation. It also features their hundreds of pre-developed layouts, styles, and photos to choose from included in each of their packages. Canva offers a free plan when you sign up but if you need a wider selection of designs and functionalities, their pricing starts at $12.95 per month with a 30-day free trial.


General (GNU) Image Manipulation Program known as Gimp is free software that offers an open-source raster graphics editing system and works a lot simpler compared to Canva. What makes this basic image-editing app part of our top picks is it features several components which are primarily needed for most social media, graphics creation and simply because – it’s free!

Adobe Photoshop

Once you’re finally getting into the depth of your creations and you feel the vibe of your job would require a more flexible and broad space for doing your art projects, then Adobe Photoshop is the best venue to go to. Adobe Photoshop is one of the leading image-editing software today. It features the most extensive editing method used for various imagery and photo manipulation which allows the user to create even the most complex intricate paintings and digital arts you can imagine. They also have support and tutorials for beginners. Adobe PS pricing starts at $119.88 per year.

Affinity Designer

Although Adobe Photoshop is considered to be nearly perfect for an image editing software, some people were still hesitant for such commitment due to its yearly subscription. That’s why Affinity Designer is the best alternative app used for that reason. It features almost anything that Adobe Photoshop offers except that this software works best for Apple Mac computers and devices. Affinity Designer can be purchased at a one-time price of $49.99 with no subscription needed.

There can be hundreds of image-editing apps available today that works better than the other but as far as reliability, control, and functionality are concerned, these 4 apps were by far the most tested and approved by most creators – even us!

Want to know great careers you can use these great apps for? Watch out for our latest Virtual Assistant careers and see how rewarding your skills and talent can bring you.

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