Productivity Hacks

Productivity Hacks backed by Science

There are many things a Virtual Assistant can do to boost productivity. For those who already find their zing, good for you, and for those who are trying every bit of possible things, this one is for you.

There are things we can do to help us work better that is not entirely related to work and being productive is more than an art but a strange science.

This list of productivity hacks brings better results than your regular head-pounding-over-desk eight hours of work.

1. Eat breakfast every morning
Even if you are working for a US client, you need to grab a bite for your first meal of the day. Many working people skip their first meal to save time, calories or lose some weight. Whatever your reason is, skipping breakfast contributes to poor productivity.

Studies show that a good choice of breakfast with low glycemic food such as oatmeal. These foods release glucose into our bloodstream at a steadier pace and avoid sugar crash in the morning.

2. Take short breaks during the day
It may sound like a bad advice but one key to productivity is to have diversions during the day and quick breaks actually increase your focus on a task and help you clear your mind.

Just a reminder though, when you take breaks, inform your client that you are going if you are going to be away from your computer for 5 minutes to keep you away from compliance trouble.

3. Look up images of cute animals
A Japanese study found that when you look at such images, caregiving nature is increased hence translating to more attention to details in what you are working on.

4. Do not multitask
We may find it that multi-tasking is a sign of being productive. That’s a myth!

Studies have shown that people who multitask and attempt to do more than one thing at a time causes brain damage and compromises cognitive abilities. People who are multitaskers shows they are less productive and produces lower quality of work than those who focuses on one task at a time.

5. Listen to your favorite music
Listening to your favorite tunes is an easy and fun way to take your productivity a step higher.

When you are feeling stressed and disorganized, crank those tunes. Music releases the pleasure neurochemical, dopamine, activating the reward system in our brains and uplift our mood.

If your position requires that you be on the phone, we highly suggest using music with no words so that your thoughts are not interrupted and you can best focus on the needs of your client.

6. Take your rest day
As Virtual Assistants, we always want to give an impression to our clients that we are reliable and they can count on any time of the day. Realize that it will do you damage than good. The temptation to work a little bit of extra is hard to overcome.

Here’s the problem. Not having a day of doing nothing leads to depression and anxiety and will hurt your productivity eventually.

If you want to be productive, take a time off. Stay away or turn off your computer and do something for yourself. Spend time with a family or do a hobby.

Do these tips and share with us how your productivity has improved.

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