Stop Being So Hard on Yourself

Are you putting too much pressure on yourself? Are you trying hard in getting to work? Having a hard time pleasing your relatives or friends? Are you going through a difficult situation and felt like you can’t forgive yourself? We totally understand you, we’ve been there and we’re definitely our own worst enemy sometimes. So, we collected different articles from different sites and wishing this could inspire and help you.

  1. “You put too much pressure on one action for your happiness,” is just one of the 5 signs. Find out what are the other 4.
    5 Signs You’re Being Too Hard On Yourself

Stop Being So Hard on Yourself

2. What are the harm effects of being too hard on yourself? Learn it in the article written by Dr. Christian Jarrett, a psychologist turned writer.

The Dangers of Being Too Hard On Yourself

3. What will you do when you catch yourself feeling bad? When do you stop being too hard on your situation and start thinking positive? This article by Catherine Pratt of Life with Confidence could help you.
How To Stop Being So Hard On Yourself

4. And lastly, here are 12 ways to stop it.
12 Ways to Stop Being So Hard on Yourself  



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