Survive the night shift

Survive the Night Shift

Working the night shift or graveyard shift allows for more opportunity to work as a virtual assistant. However, one of the biggest challenges a Virtual Assistant may experience is sleep deprivation, so we have provided 7 tips for surviving the night shift.

As Virtual Assistant, you will need to follow their client’s time zone in order to report for work. You need to be alert and ready, or you won’t be able to serve your client. Sleeping during daytime can be really challenging that is why we have provided ways on how to combat sleepiness and be productive during your shift.

  1. Hire a nanny
    Virtual Assistants who already have kids will find sleeping during daytime the most difficult because this is the time when the kids are usually active. Some Virtual Assistant considers hiring the services of a nanny so they can have someone to look after their kids while they charge up for the graveyard shift. If you think hiring a nanny would help you get enough sleep, then you might think of getting one. Look at this in an investment in your career and health.
  1. Get an air-conditioner
    The Philippines, when it’s summer time, offers temperature that can soar high up to 43°C (109.4°F) – making it much more difficult to sleep in day time. If you can afford an air-conditioner that has power-saving features, this would at least give you comfort as you try to battle your way to sleep during noon time.
  1. Take vitamins
    It is said that working at night weakens the immune system, therefore, taking vitamins everyday will help you feel well and stay healthy. This would avoid lethargy while working during the night.
  1. Never take power naps during break
    Do not sleep during your break. Do something instead of sleeping during your break time – like watching videos on YouTube, calling your fellow Virtual Assistant (who is also on break), listening to music, or mild exercise like stretching. Sleeping during break time may cause you to be less energetic as soon as you wake up. There is also the possibility that you will over-sleep which can cause you to lose your position.
  1. Drink coffee or anything that has caffeine in it
    Study shows that caffeine intake helps keep you up and active. Help yourself to some coffee so you can focus and concentrate on your work for the night. Be careful that you don’t overdo it. But a cold or hot drink often helps you stay more focused when you need it most.
  1. Let your body clock adjust
    If you have just had your rest day spent like any normal day, schedule a time during the day where you can peacefully sleep so that you will have enough energy for the night shift. The first day of the week is usually the adjustment period, but as the day goes on, your body clock will adjust and the night shift would be just like any other normal day for you.
  1. Keep a routine
    Once you have started a night shift position, you are best to not flip flop on your off days. It is much easier to maintain the night shift every day of the week. Have a set sleep schedule and make your friends and family aware of your schedule so that they can help you be peaceful during your sleep time – even on weekends.Looking for a promising career as a virtual assistant? Become trained in the field of real estate. Many US clients are looking for real estate assistants who have real estate knowledge. Get certified now!
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