Top Virtual Assistants Do These 5 Things Every Day

Have what it takes to be a great home based virtual assistant? We have helped over 100 virtual assistants have long term clients over the past 3 years so we know what it takes to be great. Conversely, we also know what will get you released from service faster than a speeding bullet.

If you want to have a long term career, we encourage you to take note and implement these 5 things into your daily routine.

#1 – Communicate quickly and often.

Your clients are paying you for your time. They fully expect you to be available at a moment’s notice during your scheduled working hours. When a virtual assistant isn’t immediately available for a question, a red flag is raised and the client wonders “Is my virtual assistant actually working????” Once too many red flags go up, you are on the downhill slope to getting released. We have never had a virtual assistant released from service from over communication, but we have had several released because they have gone “dark”.

If you have an issue (e.g. technology glitch, extended bio break, a situational problem that cannot wait until after hours), all you need to do is advise your client of what is happening and when you will be back available. You have about a 5 minute maximum timeframe to communicate back to your client. Any more than that and you are placing your position in jeopardy.

#2 – Provide value daily

Your clients are hiring you to do specific tasks to help them achieve their goals. It is important that you execute those tasks with competence. Virtual assistants who have been with clients for a long time understand the need to demonstrate the value they are providing every day.

At HireSmartVAs, we require that every virtual worker provide a close of business report. These reports are for you to brag about how you helped your client. What goals did you achieve that helps them?

The virtual assistants that understand this are the ones who never have to worry about their position. The ones that don’t are not cementing their position. Ideally your close of business report should be tied to the Key Performance Indicators of your job. If you don’t know what those are, you should ask your client to provide those to you. In my property management position, my virtual assistants tell me the number of calls and emails handled, the tasks that they accomplished as well as what is still pending for the to do. This way, I always know from one day to the next, did my virtual assistant have a good day or do I need to make some adjustments.

#3 – Go above and beyond the expected.

A virtual assistant who builds a relationship with their client becomes invaluable. Remember that your client is a person. They want to be liked and appreciated as much as you do.

Think about your closest friends. If you never spent any time with them, stood them up, they weren’t available for you and only cared about what you did for them – how would you feel about that friend after a while? You would probably be resentful.

Conversely, if you have a friend who is always there, on time to your meetings together, asks about how you are doing and how they can help – would you ever let that friend go? Probably not.

Always remind yourself, how can you serve your client. How can you make their lives easier? What can you do to help them in your role as their virtual assistant? Can you do more than the bare minimum tasks?

#4 – Be thankful

We all like to feel appreciated. Saying “Thank You!” is something that takes very little time, but means a lot. When your client feels like you are thankful for the position, they are more willing to be forgiving when things arise. It is a small investment that pays huge dividends.

#5 – Be a professional

A professional is one who accepts criticism in the manner it was given – to improve your skills. Don’t whine, pout, or get upset. A client who is willing to share how to be better is willing to make an investment in you. They care enough to spend the time to train/teach you. Listen and apply the corrections. If you believe the comments are not accurate, professionally ask for clarification. Ask for examples and then be open to the answers.

Remember that your client selected you because they saw something special in you. Now implement these 5 things every day and be the best virtual assistant possible!

Think you have what it takes to be a HireSmartVA? Look at our openings, follow the application instructions, and apply today!

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