Virtual Assistant Tips to success: How to Prepare for a Productive Work Week

Virtual Assistant Tips to Success: How to Prepare for a Productive Work Week

As a virtual assistant or remote staff, the concept of a “weekend” or a breather from work for days at a time can be quite… foreign. After all, depending on your client’s needs, you may have to work on weekends. While this is an impressive feat, it can cause a productivity block and seriously demotivate you, so it is always important to regroup, refresh, and find ways to jumpstart your week at work, so that you are always ready to take on tasks, with the mindset of a champ. This is where virtual assistant tips to success can come in handy.

  •  Work towards a goal. Whether it’s a specific number of hours, or a specific number of tasks, it helps to have a goal you can look forward to accomplishing all week. To give you extra motivation, promise yourself a simple (and much-needed) treat upon completion of your goal – an extra couple of hours in bed, a homecooked meal, a mani-pedi, a massage – whatever you feel you deserve.
  •  Create a “work mode” playlist. Sometimes, all it takes for you to put on your fiercest game face at work is through a playlist that keeps you awake and energized. Spend some time browsing through Spotify or other music streaming apps and assemble a playlist that you will look forward to listening to as you go through your tasks.
  •  Read motivational quotes about work and productivity. One of the best virtual assistant tips to success is to condition your mind that you can do anything – and there’s no better way to do that than to internalize quotes about working hard and achieving your goals. There are numerous quotes on Pinterest, but you can also visit our Facebook page for your dose of work week inspiration and tips!
  •  Prep your meals. Yes, you’re busy, but you should never forget to eat well. To ensure that you can eat delicious, healthy meals without having to spend too much time away from work, it is a good idea to do meal prep during the start of the week, ensuring that you have meals for the rest of the week. Store the prepared meals in your fridge in single serving portions, then heat whenever you need a quick bite. Your tummy will thank you for it.
  • Enhance your skills. Try watching online tutorials every week and learn ways on how to expand your skills. If you are looking to increase your hourly rate, then this will help you become a specialized Virtual Assistant. We have certifications for virtual assistants interested in real estate, so if this is something you would be interested in, email and we will guide you to the best option that matches your career goals.

With these simple and effective virtual assistant tips to success, you are sure to stay productive and focused. And always remember to breathe and take it easy when the going gets tough. Visit our Facebook page for more virtual assistant tips and tricks. Also, think you have what it takes to be a HireSmartVA? Then look at our career page to see if you have what we are looking for in a candidate.

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