Ways to Find Balance and Get Your Life Back - HireSmart Virtual Assistants

Ways to Find Balance and Get Your Life Back

Compromising family time with work is one of the life’s unsolved problems and is a common source of stress for working adults. In this fast-paced, productivity-driven environment, more people are finding it difficult to achieve their roles both at work and at home.

More often than not, the working population finds it difficult to find a point of balance between careers and family. One is always given more priority than the other. At the worse, this results in dysfunctional outcomes such as strained family relationships, inefficiency at work or poor health.

The big question still is how do you get that life balance? What does it really mean? These are simple steps you can take to change what isn’t working and get back the control and balance your life.


Disconnect on the weekend

Turn it off! You may have heard excuses that this step has been tried numerous times and it just doesn’t work. Try it again at least for one more day.

Literally stay away from anything electronic like your tablet, smartphone and your computer. Give your work brain a rest. Dive your nose in a good book or spend time actually interacting with your family and friends.

Learn to say ‘no’

Every Virtual Assistant I know share something in common, that is to impress their clients by letting their client know he/she can do whatever task needs to be done. There’s nothing wrong with that however, if you are already having trouble keeping on top of everything, you may have committed more time that you actually have. This will end in a disaster.

As early as possible make it a habit to check your schedule before taking anything else on. When it’s too much, don’t be afraid to refuse and say no.

Pay attention to your health

This is easier said than done. We know what we need to do but it does not seem like a priority until we have a health scare.

Our health really does affect the quality of our lives and our work. People who are healthier tend to be more productive and happier. Getting enough sleep, eat a little healthier and finding time to fit in some type of activity are simple ways to keeping yourself healthy.

Reduce toxins

This does not mean chemicals, although it might help too. But this mainly pertains to negative influences around you. Avoid stressful and toxic people. Those who complaints a lot, whiners, and with poor attitudes.

In case you can’t fully avoid them, then balance it with surrounding yourself with more positive, supportive and can-do people whenever possible.

Spend time alone

Making time for yourself is probably the hardest thing to do for an overworked individual. But this is a must do to lower stress, increase happiness and encourage creativity.

Simple activities you can try; write, sketch, do yoga, have a mani-pedi, or simply sit quietly for a few minutes each day and do absolutely nothing.

Make your relationship matter

Give enough time each week to spend quality time with your family and friends. Don’t just sit in front of the TV but really connect and pay attention to those you love and care about.

Go out on a date, have a coffee with a friend or play a game with your child. Get to know (again) the people around you.

Have fun

This can be tricky but you don’t need to overthink. Laugh, joke, play, be silly, and find your sense of humor.

Nothing beats a good old-fashioned belly laugh.

As the wise say, “don’t confuse having a career with having a life.”

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