Work as Virtual Assistant From Home

You Want to Work as Virtual Assistant From Home

So, you think you want to work as a virtual assistant from home. In this article, we are going to share with you how to transition from office based work to home-based job and how you would want to work as a virtual assistant from home.

Maybe you considered that you want to get more time for yourself or your family and realized that the Philippines has some of the ‘worst traffic on Earth’ is sucking the life out of you. Spending 25-50% of your awake time going back and forth from work is keeping you from being the best version of you. Or perhaps, you’ve just recognized that you are more productive doing tasks at home. Either way, we understand those factors may hinder your ability to thrive and you want to consider working home based as a virtual assistant

What is Virtual Assistant?

A virtual assistant is a skilled, talented and an independent worker that provides services to various types of businesses and organizations remotely. It is a great work-at-home opportunity and considerably a cost-effective way of making money while at the comfort of your home simply because the job title only depends on your talents and qualifications alone.

What are the tasks of a Virtual Assistant?

There is always a room for everyone who is looking to transition their career from office-based to home-based jobs. Whether you’re the type of candidate who has plenty of knowledge in writing, speaking, or is tech savvy, each has their own productive outlet to working remotely. Here are just a few tasks of what a virtual assistant can do:

  • Data Entry
  • Tutoring
  • Researching
  • Graphic Design
  • Bookkeeping
  • Programming
  • Web Editor
  • Customer Service
  • Social Media Management
  • Transcription

Pretty much anything you can think without having to be physically situated in your client’s location.

How to become a virtual assistant?

Since there are plenty of opportunities that can utilize your skills, the question of ‘where and how to start your journey’ is a complex matter to newbies. Here are a few tips to get yourself fired up at the outset of your home-based career.

The diversity of talents and your great skill sets are of course the foundation of your career but since all transactions and tasks are done online, you need to have some tools of the trade.


Work as Virtual Assistant From Home


Here are a few items you might need to include on your checklist before getting started:

  • A Very Reliable PC/Laptop. Obviously.
  • Reliable Internet Connection. Most clients would have their preferred internet speed requirement. Ours is 5mbps since phone calls are generally a part of the role.
  • Basic System Application Requirement. This includes the basic applications you might already have on your computer: Word, Excel, Office, Browser, etc.
  • Headset with Noise cancellation feature. Communication is the key so don’t let anyone interrupt a good quality conversation between yourself and your client or your customers during work.
  • Backup system. Occurrences of power outage can be rare but is surely inevitable. So it’s advisable to have a secondary backup equipment to prevent such delays.

Work as Virtual Assistant From Home

Quiet Place to Work

If a school zone deserves to have minimal disturbances away from unnecessary noises honking around, so does your future customers or client. To prevent this from happening, one must observe a quiet spot at home where you can conveniently build your own office nest for a greater chance of being more focus on work. Your family also must be able to respect your office space and working hours. Roosters, dog noises, and children will all be perceived as negative in your environment. So if these happen regularly, you may need to find an alternative working area.


Alright! You must have checked all those important stuffs and thinking where to start earning your career from here. Well, there are multiple companies that may help to establish your growth by investing from your capabilities.

Work as Virtual Assistant From Home

Here at Hire Smart VAs, we are growing. We believe we are one of the most superior companies that provide an outstanding employment setting in search for awesome local talents to work virtually for our US clients.

We are committed to providing clearer standards for opportunities to those who are willing to contribute extensive results. However, we generally require home-based experience. If you want to gain home based experience, freelancing while working your current position is a way to show us you are committed to making the transition. Once you have logged 500 client hours, that should be sufficient to qualify. For some they can get this experience in less than 90 days for others, it takes longer.

Should you consider yourself departing from your day to day wrestling against the battlefield when traveling from home to work and back, these simple tips can help you visualize and achieve your goals and work as a virtual assistant from home.

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